Motivating others: Self Determination Theory and climbing

The model I am basing this video on is essentially The Self Determination model. Autonomy, relatedness, competence. I changed competence to mastery simply because it implies the desire to want to make constant improvements to a skill. There are many similar models out there including McClelland's Human motivation theory (achievement, affiliation, power) and also Dan Pinks model of motivation (autonomy, mastery and purpose) I think you might see a theme forming.

During my years of teaching adventurous activities, I have seen and experienced examples for how these models can work brilliantly, allowing people to have so much empowerment and motivation, and I have much to often seen what happens when interaction fails to meet these models, leaving people frustrated and despondent.

There is so much more to how to make this work either for yourself, or for those you interact with, and I hope that little by little in my videos I will be able to build and share a better picture. There are many people who have so much great knowledge to share too and I hope that in time climbing, and other activities have communities that are experts at helping others.


Mindfulness in Adventure: Understanding Narrative and Feeling Tone


Action BEFORE Motivation. Values and Code of Conduct.