
A collection of writing from Tom and Laura, across numerous topics relating to wellbeing and coaching.

Tom Powell Coaching Climbing Tom Powell Coaching Climbing

On self improvement and self acceptance: The paradox of change

The story goes that we should change to be better. Because if we’re not working to improve ourselves then we will be falling behind, squandering our time on this planet, not living up to our potential. We should aim to be a little bit better every day. Or so the saying goes.

Better at what? Than who? I will get back to that a little later.

When it comes to self improvement, I am here to say, that all this effort is a big waste of time.

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Tom Powell Coaching Climbing Tom Powell Coaching Climbing

Become Skilfully Undisciplined

When we learn to trust ourselves and follow our thread, discipline becomes more and more like a blunt object, useful at times, but more often than not it smashes through the gentle path we have learned how to listen to and follow.

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Tom Powell Coaching Climbing Tom Powell Coaching Climbing

We need to talk about talking about Mental Health

Talking about our Mental Health shouldn’t have to wait until we are in crisis. It can begin at any stage, and at any time and for any reason. This article looks at how we can increase our chances on beginning a healing conversation about our own Mental Health journey.

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Tom Powell Coaching Climbing Tom Powell Coaching Climbing

It is time to stop thinking

Whilst we engage with thinking, unknown to us our body begins a tightening, leaning forwards, head down, toes curled, a furrowed brow, the ability to shut off the distractions around us, and to dampen down the feelings that stir within us. Maybe our cup of tea goes cold, an opportunity for play gets pushed to one side, our friends and family are momentarily dismissed, all in the quest to untangle the latest problem within our mind.

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Tom Powell Coaching Climbing Tom Powell Coaching Climbing

On being better and never being enough

My concept has long been “Be better”, and it is addictive because it has driven me forwards in life. But with reflection “Be better” than who? And when? The answer is of course to be better than Me and Now.

It doesn’t take much to recognise that this striving is causing an inner turmoil.

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Tom Powell Coaching Climbing Tom Powell Coaching Climbing

The Power of Loving Kindness Meditation

Loving kindness (also known as Metta Bhavana) is a meditation practice that involves bringing to mind specific individuals, recognising that they, like all humans, experience difficulty in their life, and then one at a time wishing them well.

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Tom Powell Coaching Climbing Tom Powell Coaching Climbing

Loving Fully

One of my favourite all time definitions of any word is this one of Love.“Love is learning the song in someone else's heart and playing it to them when they have forgotten.” How can this help us to love more fully?

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